School profile
Our highly qualified, dedicated teachers provide a broad range of innovative and challenging programs in a dynamic learning environment. Our stimulating learning environment incorporates technology through a creative and inspiring curriculum. Awarding-winning programs in Literacy provide students with skills for ongoing success. Our strong sporting and creative arts programs give students opportunities to experience individual and team success. Through effective social engagement programs our students develop leadership, individual responsibility and respect for self and others. Our school's diversity creates a stimulating environment that enhances each child's experience. As valued partners in our students' education, our supportive parents are actively involved in all aspects of school life. We nurture positive partnerships within the whole school community through open and regular communication between school and home. Our spacious and well-maintained school grounds allow our students room to play in an open and well-supervised area.
Hannans Road is a small school of about 200 students, with excellent learning facilities, spacious grounds and dedicated, highly trained teachers. We encourage and support our students in achieving success in academics, creative and sporting fields. We implement a wide curriculum of interesting, meaningful and challenging experiences that cater for students of all abilities. We provide a wide range of extra-curricula activities to meet student interests.
Our School is a welcoming, positive, safe and caring environment. We value the individual and the diversity of individuals and cater for the variety of student learning styles. Our school's strong, positive welfare programs, including leadership opportunities, recognition and reward systems and clear expectations empower all students to meet their learning and personal goals.
Our school has excellent learning, technology, sporting and play resources. A range of support staff is available to assist students with specific needs. For working parents, access to before and after school care is available.
At Hannans Road Public School we believe learning is a life-long process through which students take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour and become valued members of society.
Opportunities and programs
- Innovative learning programs that challenge and inspire students
- Strong educational leadership and dedicated teachers create a supportive, dynamic learning environment
- Student well-being programs that develop self discipline and social responsibility
- Well resourced technology learning centre to promote independent learning
- Nurturing a positive relationship through regular and open communication between home and school